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This is a free ebook Learn how to program in C with Data Structures!Introduction Preface Table of Contents What Is C? How to Read/Write in C? Data Types in C? Arithmetic Operators in C? \tLoops and Strings in C? (e.g. while, for, string functions)\tPointers in c (e.g. *p; p++; what is the main use of pointers?)\tStructured data types (e.g., integers, floats) and how they are used for arrays; introduction to computer memory; dynamic memory allocation using malloc(). An Introduction to Arrays in C \tArrays using malloc() \tMatrices using malloc() \tArrays using structs \tDynamic data structures (e.g., linked lists, binary trees, heaps) and their implementation? Structured data types (e.g., integers, floats) and how they are used for arrays; introduction to computer memory; dynamic memory allocation using malloc(). Pointers in C: An Introduction What Is a Pointer? Declaring and Initializing a Pointer Variable (int* ptr;). \tUse of a pointer in a statement (e.g., a read only assignment). \tThe return keyword in a function that returns a pointer to another function. \tuse of the sizeof operator in the declaration of pointers. Implications of Pointers: How to use them? Usage Cases for Pointers Reusing Data Structure DefinitionsData Structures in C by Padma Reddy, published by Apress Publishing Inc. is available from Apress for . 1. Padma Reddy ; 2. Contents ; 3. 1 Data Structures in C by Padma Reddy - Table of Contents ; 4. 2 Data Structures in C by Padma Reddy - How to Read/Write in C? 4.1 Pointers \t4.2 Arithmetic Operators in C? \t4.3 Loops and Strings in C? (e.g., while, for, string functions) \t4.4 Pointers and Structured Data Types (e.g. integers, floats) and how they are used for Arrays. \t4.5 Structured Data Types (e.g., integers, floats) and how they are used for Arrays; Introduction to Computer Memory; Dynamic Memory Allocation using malloc() \t4.6 Implications of Pointers: How to use them? 4.7 Usage Cases for Pointers 4.8 Reusing Data Structure Definitions1. cfa1e77820