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pdf. [^6]: Covertor: [^7]: [^8]: [^9]: Q: Python code not executing in Django View I am having some trouble getting my Python view code to execute. I have tried the following methods but none of them have worked. Basically, I have a view where I want to display the current time. When a user visits the view, I want to add 1 to the value of seconds and update the current time in the database. I am trying to do this in an infinite loop but I know that's not the best approach. I have tried the following: def some_view(request): seconds = 0 while True: some_calculation_code_here seconds += 1 current_time = models.time.objects.filter(time_finished=False).order_by('-time_finished').first().time_finished current_time += 60 current_time += 1 if seconds >= 10: break else: continue form = TimeForm(request.POST or None, instance=request.user) if form.is_valid(): user_time = return redirect('base:base_profile', else:

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