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Antares Autotune 7.08 VST AU RTAS MAC OSX WORKiNG Gaylwil

Category:Steinberg Media Technologies Category:Music softwareQ: Getting a Segmentation Fault when using with or without using IplImage I am doing a 3D Sobel edge detection program. I am using opencv with IplImage. In this code I am performing edge detection using three steps: cv::Mat edge_img = cv::imread("D:\*.jpg",1); //convolve the edge image cv::filter2D(edge_img, edge_img, cv::Size(3, 3), cv::Point(-1,-1), 1); //convert the image to gray cv::cvtColor(edge_img, edge_img, CV_BGR2GRAY); //return the gray cv::Mat grayscale = edge_img.clone(); cv::Sobel(grayscale, grayscale, cv::CV_8UC1, 1, 0, 3); cv::imshow("convoluted", grayscale); int main() { cv::Mat edge_img; cv::Mat edge_img; //edge_img= cv::imread("*.jpg",1); //edge_img.convertTo(edge_img, CV_8UC1, 1.0/255.0); return 0; } When I uncomment the second line of code to uncomment the first line I get a segmentation fault. When I comment the second line of code I get no segmentation fault. If I use cv::imread() I get no segmentation fault but I am not getting a correct edge detection result. If I uncomment the code inside main I get no segmentation fault but I am not getting a correct edge detection result either. If I uncomment the first line of code I get no segmentation fault but I am not getting a correct edge detection result. I do not get a segmentation fault when I uncomment the second line of code. I do not get a correct result when I uncomment the first line of code. This is one of the images that I am getting a wrong edge detection result This is what I am getting when I uncomment the first be359ba680

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